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Bicycle Russell & Morgan Co Playing Cards

Bicycle Russell & Morgan Co Playing Cards

(Code: 1033409)
Old price: 278.21 грн.
228.13 грн.

Bicycle Chainless Poker Cards are a unique and archetypal deck of elegant design. As you know, a chain is an integral part of any bicycle. However, in the last five years, major companies have begun experimenting with belt and internal drives by releasing a chainless bicycle. This deck of cards is dedicated to them.

The back design, coded 18, was introduced in 1899 and printed until 1917. It is intended to celebrate the technological advances made on the bicycle at the turn of the century. The deck itself is also interesting - it is made of parchment and has a relief embossing in honor of the 130th anniversary of the Bicycle company. And the brand instead of a regular sticker is a reference to the times of Russell, Morgan & Co (the original name of USPCC, the manufacturer of this deck).

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