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Bicycle Vintage Poker Cards
Bicycle Vintage Poker Cards Bicycle Vintage Poker Cards

Bicycle Vintage Poker Cards

(Code: 1040828)
Old price: 299.61 грн.
266.65 грн.

How would you like to show your friends or audience a deck that is extremely old, worn and brand new? They will be enchanted!

Introducing the classic Bicycle Vintage playing cards! This deck of playing cards looks as if it has been closed for almost a century, waiting for someone to come and open it again. The intricate casing has aged beautifully as the crease has yellowed, but the red color has retained its rich color over the years.

Enjoy watching people marvel at this wonderful deck!

Number of cards: 52 + 2 jokers + promotional card.
Card size: Poker Size / 2.5 x 3.5 inches (63.5 x 88.9 mm).
Index type: Standard.
Finish: Air Cushion Finish (cardboard with plastic coating).
Deck design: Ellusionist.
Manufacturer: US Playing Card Company, USA.

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